Support & Maintenance. Kreovox not only designs, develops and launches your website, but also provides continuing website maintenance services.

Website support & maintenance services, KREOVOX.

Why Is It Important to Have a Good Website Support?

Every modern business needs a website to attract new customers and keep the current ones loyal. On the other hand, entrepreneurs who run their business websites often neglect the tasks of the webmasters. When they ignore their webmasters, they hurt their business more than they think.

We offer

Backup, updates, scan the site for security purpose, monthly report.

support and maintenance service content

“…Websites represent businesses in the same way logos and other branding elements do. Websites are also platforms for sharing interesting content, starting marketing campaigns, and organizing loyalty programs.”

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Still, websites require regular care. If you neglect your company’s website, it will soon become outdated and unappealing to consumers.

This can drastically hurt your business because enterprises with outdated websites are often considered reckless and unreliable by consumers. So, apart from all the marketing benefits, websites also play a huge role in your improving company’s overall reputation.

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs who are not professional webmasters have problems with running everyday webmaster tasks. Sometimes you will need to write an HTML or CSS code snippet, or you will need to make a bigger change on your CMS platform. If you have never done these things before, you can easily make a mistake and do more harm than good.

That’s why a reliable website support is very important for maintaining a successful business presentation.

It helps you when you don’t have too much time for maintaining your website

Even if you don’t post any content for years, your website will still be online, and potential customers will be able to read the most important information about your company.

Many entrepreneurs don’t have enough time for maintaining their website on a daily basis, but there are several important things that need to be done for your website to be visible.

Renewing your domain name is one of them. If you forget to renew your domain name, somebody else can purchase it, build their website on that address and offer services that are competitive to yours. If you forget to renew your domain name, you can lose a lot of potential customers. A good web development agency will remind clients about the domain name and hosting expiration dates.

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